This article has the potential to change your life, if internalized and implemented. This is as serious as you get. Believe me when I say this. We are going to explore the very important subject of BELIEFS . Yes, beliefs. Beliefs can change your life positively or negatively. You see, choosing and accepting wrong beliefs will definitely destroy any chance of success. The opposite is also true. Correct beliefs will actually accelerate your success rate. This is true. Extensive research has been done around this topic. Secondly, “success experts” of all shapes, sizes and origins agree on this. Ineffective Use of Beliefs There’s no single living individual who does not have beliefs by which his/her life is led. All of us have beliefs. And these determine the quality of our lives. Unfortunately, most people blindly accept erroneous beliefs. This is evident everywhere. You see this in how people choose to handle their money matters, love lives, child rearing,...