
Showing posts from September, 2016


Do anyone of us have a more valuable entity than time? I call it an entity for want of a better term. What do you call time, anyway? This is a rhetorical question, I know. But it is still one worth asking nonetheless since we tend to take it for granted. This is especially the case when we are young, isn’t? Ah, the joys of youth. But guess what? Before you know it, all that seemingly eternal time is gone. And you are left asking yourself “Where did the time go?” I am not going to go into detail regarding time from a quantum physics perspective or all that mumbo-jumbo business. Simply because I neither have the capacity nor the inclination to do so. Frankly, this subject is too technical for my liking. Besides I do not wish to risk boring you into a stupor. But if you are interested, there are numerous tomes written about this topic. A basic search should quantify what I am saying here. How we Waste Time Let us not beat around the bush. Our time on this earth is very l...


Looking at the title of this article, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed. Did I just bite off more than I can chew? Do I really have this fabled piece to a complete life? Believe it or not I do. What prompted this article was an incident which recently happened to me. You see, I was hijacked at gunpoint. After this frightening and life threatening incident, I had to take a deep look at my life. And what I found out blew me away. And I’m going to do my best to unpack it. So, let’s go… Most people I come across seem to be always worrying, afraid of something and generally at a discomfort of some sorts. I agree, I fall under this category. But why? Why are you worried? What are you afraid of? What’s eating you? Before revealing this “missing piece”, allow me to describe a complete life as I understand it. You might have a different view and disagree, that’s alright. A complete life does not imply a life without challenges, pain (not suffering), loss and general heartac...


Lack of information around the scourge of debt has led to countless misery and destruction of lives. Lives have been destroyed and put on hold. I used to be one of those. Before you start pointing out that there is good debt, let me ask you a question, if I may. How many people do you know who have really fantastic debt? And, mind you, I am not talking about businesses and the like. And can you recall acquaintances with destructive debt? From the two questions, I hope I have highlighted a major point here. And that is… Anyway, before I reveal that, permit me to illustrate why debt is the monster it currently is.   The Necessity of Debt Let’s be honest. We cannot live without some debt in our lives, can we? Unless we can live without decent housing, cars etc. Maybe we can, if we somehow win the lottery or get a cash lump sum, like inheritance. But how many people would actually be in that position? So, bottom line is that we need some debt to live rel...


  Have you ever wondered why Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram etc. are so popular? I have and this has got me thinking. Social media, by its nature, is a platform where people from all walks of life can connect with other people and share. The operative word is connect . And this leads us to the crux of it all. REASON #1 Can I ask that you indulge me here by answering the following question? Please think about this carefully and be honest with yourself. Don’t worry, it’s a simple question. During which activities do you feel most alive and enthusiastic? Let me be the first to answer. I feel most alive when I am doing something I truly enjoy with people I like or love the most. The crucial part is the latter part of the last sentence. You see, we are talking about connections. And that is the point. It’s got very little to do with the activities per se. It’s about connecting with other people. I suspect the activities which excite you involve other people, r...


COMMON SIGNS OF A HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE So, how do you tell that your marriage is successful? With this blog post, I am going to unpack this question. Contrary to popular belief, successful marriages are not perfect. In other words, they are not without their share of disappointments, disagreements and general discontent. But having said that, you do find couples in relatively successful marriages. Now, what separates them to the not-so-successful ones? Let’s find out. 1.      LOVE BETWEEN SPOUSES This is a no brainer. I can even hear you say, “But all spouses love each other, don’t they?” From the onset we need clarity on what love means. There is a widespread perception that love is some warm, fuzzy feeling. Admittedly, some emotions are necessary but you can still love without any such feeling. Let me elaborate. If you have been married for some time, chances are you no longer have intense feelings for your spouse like you d...


One of the most, if not THE foremost worries of all time for a lot of people is getting old. This is very prevalent and is easy to see why. I mean, getting old means a few not-so-nice things:  1. We lose vitality and cannot do things we used to do very easily - we become dependent on other people.  2. We are faced with our own mortality - we are getting closer to our graves.   3. We are filled with fear as to what will happen after our passing away. A lot of mystery and fear abound. Worrying about old age is natural because we have a desire to live forever and getting old is an indication that we may not. We also risk losing our independence and cannot stand it. But there is no need to worry about old age. After all, we cannot escape it but there is something we can do about it. We need to change our perspective regarding old age. We need to look forward with hope rather than backwards with fear and regret. Changing our perspective will chang...