There cannot be any doubt about this. Doubt has killed many dreams. It has stopped many well-intentioned attempts at a better life. It has contributed to the continued misery and unfulfilled lives of so many people. But it does not have to be this way. There is a way out and I am going to show you.
Doubt finds fertile grounds in lack of faith and ignorance. In other words, for doubt to thrive you have to be ignorant and/or with little or no faith. The absence of these two traits stems from a number of factors which are beyond the scope of this post.
From the above, you can already piece together the antidote to doubt. You see, it is all so so easy. Bear with me.
The reason why doubt is so prevalent is because it has a very powerful ally: fear. With fear on its side, doubt suddenly becomes almost unstoppable.
If you really want to get rid of all remnants of doubt, you need to follow through. You need to take the necessary steps. Reading and nodding, if in agreement, will not make any difference.
1. Since doubt is so reliant on ignorant, it follows then that you start there: knowledge and understanding.
Whenever in doubt, ask yourself, "Why am in doubt?".
Examine whatever comes in response. This means you have to listen to your own internal conversation.
What you are likely going to find out is that you are conditioned, by yourself, to react in a certain manner to certain situations.
In other words, you are not in control but your pre-conditioned self is to take control, you have to look at your options and choose the most logical one. To do this, you have to ignore what your emotions are telling you.
2. Now here comes the crucial part. Faith. This is the most important piece of the puzzle. Without it, there cannot be any decisive action. You simply have to believe that you will come out victorious.
After all, how can you tell the outcome of some future event? So, why choose the negative? Even though it will not be easy to achieve your goal, make up your mind that it will all work out as intended.
By going this route, you give yourself the greatest chance of success. This is because that if you know that you will succeed, you will do your best. And that will take you closer to your goal.
Doubt, like fear, is responsible for way too much failures and disappointments. The good news is that there is a way around this. And what is more encouraging, it can be overcome by going through only two steps.
Go forth and carve a life for yourself. After all, you only live once and no one knows how long that is going be.
Doubt finds fertile grounds in lack of faith and ignorance. In other words, for doubt to thrive you have to be ignorant and/or with little or no faith. The absence of these two traits stems from a number of factors which are beyond the scope of this post.
From the above, you can already piece together the antidote to doubt. You see, it is all so so easy. Bear with me.
The reason why doubt is so prevalent is because it has a very powerful ally: fear. With fear on its side, doubt suddenly becomes almost unstoppable.
If you really want to get rid of all remnants of doubt, you need to follow through. You need to take the necessary steps. Reading and nodding, if in agreement, will not make any difference.
1. Since doubt is so reliant on ignorant, it follows then that you start there: knowledge and understanding.
Whenever in doubt, ask yourself, "Why am in doubt?".
Examine whatever comes in response. This means you have to listen to your own internal conversation.
What you are likely going to find out is that you are conditioned, by yourself, to react in a certain manner to certain situations.
In other words, you are not in control but your pre-conditioned self is to take control, you have to look at your options and choose the most logical one. To do this, you have to ignore what your emotions are telling you.
2. Now here comes the crucial part. Faith. This is the most important piece of the puzzle. Without it, there cannot be any decisive action. You simply have to believe that you will come out victorious.
After all, how can you tell the outcome of some future event? So, why choose the negative? Even though it will not be easy to achieve your goal, make up your mind that it will all work out as intended.
By going this route, you give yourself the greatest chance of success. This is because that if you know that you will succeed, you will do your best. And that will take you closer to your goal.
Doubt, like fear, is responsible for way too much failures and disappointments. The good news is that there is a way around this. And what is more encouraging, it can be overcome by going through only two steps.
Go forth and carve a life for yourself. After all, you only live once and no one knows how long that is going be.
Great content!