WHAT IS POSITIVE THINKING? Positive thinking happens to be one of the most effective way to escape reality, especially if that reality stinks. You use positive thinking in this way if you do not understand it at all. That statement includes a lot of people even those who claim to be "gurus". My understanding of positive is that it is a decision to live life looking up and not down, regardless of what comes or happens. It is seeing the good in the bad or even worse. It is the cultivation of gratitude when everybody seems to be complaining. It is the looking forward to good times when one is surrounded by despair. COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT Positive Thinking The sheer number of misunderstandings about positive thinking is incredible. This is partly due to the hype around it. In most cases, this hype is done in order to make a quick buck from people who want a magic pill to their painful existence. If you think that positive thinking is a magic pill and will give...