
Showing posts from 2016


On a stretch of road around my neighborhood, on the left you find the most beautiful houses. And on the right, there’s the most wretched and poverty stricken shacks. A classic example of poverty living side by side with opulence. What is even more telling is that this is not unique to my neighborhood. But why is this even happening? How can people go on in poverty while surrounded by so much abundance? Who or what is stopping them from getting their slice of the wealth pie? What is the difference between the people on the left and those on the right? What is happening here? These are some of the questions I asked myself and the answers were revealing, to say the least. And having been in the personal development field for a good number of years, I felt saddened by the fact that all of this wretchedness was so unnecessary. Most, if not all, people who are poor will point out that they are doing all they can to improve their lot. They will also “prove” this by the amount of ph...


Can I ask that you please take a few minutes to read and really think about what you are about to read. What I am going to share with you is one of the most profound lessons I have learnt. I am talking truly powerful lessons or at least one of them. So, without wasting too much of your time, let’s begin… THE CONTROL MYTH We, as humans in general, have an almost compulsive need to have control. We attempt to control everything. If we had our way, we would control how and when the sun rises or sets, how rain falls, you get my drift. To be certain, the fact that we cannot control some of these things drives us up the wall. But the irony here is that we actually do not have as much control as we think. When you think about it, a lot of what we think is under our control is actually not. I know that’s a bit sobering, isn’t it?   For example: When driving your car, do you feel that it’s under your control? If you answered “No”, I would be seriously concerned. So...


This article has the potential to change your life, if internalized and implemented. This is as serious as you get. Believe me when I say this. We are going to explore the very important subject of BELIEFS . Yes, beliefs.  Beliefs can change your life positively or negatively. You see, choosing and accepting wrong beliefs will definitely destroy any chance of success. The opposite is also true. Correct beliefs will actually accelerate your success rate. This is true. Extensive research has been done around this topic. Secondly, “success experts” of all shapes, sizes and origins agree on this. Ineffective Use of Beliefs There’s no single living individual who does not have beliefs by which his/her life is led. All of us have beliefs. And these determine the quality of our lives. Unfortunately, most people blindly accept erroneous beliefs. This is evident everywhere. You see this in how people choose to handle their money matters, love lives, child rearing,...


Have you met people who are complaining about their lot in life? Finances, love life, marriage, work, family etc. Strangely enough, the same people would be unwilling to do anything about the situation. Have you never met such people? Are you one of them? I know I am. Why is Change Necessary? There’s a rather common saying about change. And it goes like this: If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree . I kinda love that saying. It’s cute, right? But there’s a problem or two with it. For one, it oversimplifies a complex and difficult issue. Secondly, it’s not very helpful, is it? So, why would you want to change? OK, the obvious answer would be to live a happy and satisfying life. That’s a vague answer but it’ll do for now. Anyway, when the time is right for change, you’ll know. Without change, you will continue to bemoan your life. You will continue to be miserable whilst wondering why other people seem to have it all. And what’s worse, when you are ...


Do anyone of us have a more valuable entity than time? I call it an entity for want of a better term. What do you call time, anyway? This is a rhetorical question, I know. But it is still one worth asking nonetheless since we tend to take it for granted. This is especially the case when we are young, isn’t? Ah, the joys of youth. But guess what? Before you know it, all that seemingly eternal time is gone. And you are left asking yourself “Where did the time go?” I am not going to go into detail regarding time from a quantum physics perspective or all that mumbo-jumbo business. Simply because I neither have the capacity nor the inclination to do so. Frankly, this subject is too technical for my liking. Besides I do not wish to risk boring you into a stupor. But if you are interested, there are numerous tomes written about this topic. A basic search should quantify what I am saying here. How we Waste Time Let us not beat around the bush. Our time on this earth is very l...


Looking at the title of this article, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed. Did I just bite off more than I can chew? Do I really have this fabled piece to a complete life? Believe it or not I do. What prompted this article was an incident which recently happened to me. You see, I was hijacked at gunpoint. After this frightening and life threatening incident, I had to take a deep look at my life. And what I found out blew me away. And I’m going to do my best to unpack it. So, let’s go… Most people I come across seem to be always worrying, afraid of something and generally at a discomfort of some sorts. I agree, I fall under this category. But why? Why are you worried? What are you afraid of? What’s eating you? Before revealing this “missing piece”, allow me to describe a complete life as I understand it. You might have a different view and disagree, that’s alright. A complete life does not imply a life without challenges, pain (not suffering), loss and general heartac...