On a stretch of road around my neighborhood, on the left you find the most beautiful houses. And on the right, there’s the most wretched and poverty stricken shacks. A classic example of poverty living side by side with opulence. What is even more telling is that this is not unique to my neighborhood. But why is this even happening? How can people go on in poverty while surrounded by so much abundance? Who or what is stopping them from getting their slice of the wealth pie? What is the difference between the people on the left and those on the right? What is happening here? These are some of the questions I asked myself and the answers were revealing, to say the least. And having been in the personal development field for a good number of years, I felt saddened by the fact that all of this wretchedness was so unnecessary. Most, if not all, people who are poor will point out that they are doing all they can to improve their lot. They will also “prove” this by the amount of ph...